I'm A Holistic Nutritionist. Here's What I Eat In A Day
Morning time
I start every morning with hot water with lemon, as I advise all my clients and readers to do. It's a great way to start the day on a high note. Lemons support liver tissue and are full of enzymes and vitamin C while the hot water helps relax your gut and promotes more complete cleansing. I also religiously take two of my SBO Probiotics, which I believe are one of the keys to ultimate nutrient absorption, energy, and having awesome, youthful skin.
When I'm hungry (which is pretty much right off the bat since I'm still breastfeeding my 7-month-old son), the first thing in my body is my glowing green smoothie, pictured here. One serving has over 9 grams of fiber, so it's not just a green juice, from which the fiber has been stripped out. The fiber helps keep me full and gives me energy all morning.
I may also nosh on some fruit—whatever is around. Lately I've been really into persimmons, which are in season right now! I'm a huge fruit eater. I did have pretty severe candida and was strictly low sugar to get rebalanced, so I didn't eat any sweet fruit for a while. But from taking my SBO probiotics daily and balancing my system with a whole program based on reducing candida, I now handle fruit sugar really well and feel great eating substantial amounts of fruit. I will emphasize, though, that if you feel chronically bloated from eating fruit, your system may be compromised and needs to be rebuilt and strengthened first, or you may be suffering from food combinations that are causing bloating. Try having the fruit only on an empty stomach or combined with greens in a smoothie instead of along with or right after proteins or starches.
I'm not a caffeine person, but I consider myself an herbal tea aficionado of sorts—I have dozens of loose-leaf and tea-bag varieties in my cabinet. I love having more hot tea after I finish my hot water with lemon!
I usually practice yoga in the morning, while Bubs is taking his first nap. So between that and the breastfeeding, I'm very hungry by midmorning, and holding out for lunch is not an option. Since the birth, I've been eating a gluten-free avocado, sprouted hummus, and sprout wrap almost daily. I get the gluten-free wraps from the health market; you can find them made from brown rice or other gluten-free grains. I mix up the types of sprouts, but I love broccoli sprouts and clover sprouts most. It's a hearty, delicious food to have at this time and great because I can eat it with my hands—very mom-friendly!
For lunch, I often have meetings at my shop, Glow Bio (with Bubs in tow, of course), so it's just easy to grab an Oil-Free Kale Salad or my Gorilla Taco Wraps or whatever I feel like that day. If I'm at home, I often make a quick veggie stir fry, either with tempeh or sprouted brown rice, a soup or stew, or any number of easy recipes from my book.
I usually make my Power Protein Smoothie, which has sprouted almond milk, vegan protein powder, maca, bee pollen, shatavari (an Ayurvedic herb), banana, and sometimes acai or raw cacao. It's my form of an energy milkshake. It rounds out the afternoon and makes me feel awesome, energized, and perfectly full.
Dinner is almost always one of my recipes. I like to eat out occasionally with my fiancé, but I also love to snuggle at home and cook with lots of love (and using all organic and good oils, etc.!). It varies widely—the past few days, for instance, I made dal, sprouted brown rice, and lots of veggie dishes, my version of Kitcheree (an Ayurvedic stew), and a gluten-free pad Thai. There are dozens of options!
Before bed
At night, I love (love!) to end with sipping on an evening elixir, which is a new recipe I'll include in my next book. It's fantastic to soothe the body and calm the nerves and paves the way for a restful sleep. It's a mix of hemp milk, turmeric, cardamom, and cloves. I absolutely love this evening ritual. This is my favorite way to get to sleep, and it sets me up for the day ahead.
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