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Your Weekly Horoscope Just Dropped & It's Going To Be A Busy Week

The AstroTwins
August 31, 2024
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
weekly horoscope
Image by mbg creative / unsplash
August 31, 2024
It's a busy week in the stars as Mars moves into Cancer, the Virgo new moon arrives, and Mercury and Uranus face off. Here's your horoscope.

Labor Day’s mood is very demure & very mindful, thanks to the new moon in Virgo (9:56PM EDT; 11°04’)

Make a difference for someone this Monday, September 2, as the year’s only new moon in service-oriented Virgo prompts us all to go the extra mile. The master-planning mojo also helps us get our lives into efficient and streamlined shape—just in time for back-to-school season.

Take a moment today (and over the next two weeks) to set new objectives and map out everything needed to get you there, from timelines to budgets to the division of labor. If you could use a life edit, the Virgo new moon will help you pare down and prioritize.

Apply a “clean and green” ethos everywhere, from household products to what goes on your dinner plate. Get your fall fitness in motion. Start by investing in some gear—then get out for a walk or a satisfying workout.

Make no sudden (or obvious) moves during Tuesday’s Mars-Neptune square

Is something bubbling below the surface? Pay attention to intuitive hits this Tuesday. For the first time since March 2023, investigative Mars in Gemini locks into a dynamic duel with obfuscating Neptune in Pisces.

Don’t rush to form theories based on your first (or second or third) dig. Just when you think you’ve cracked the case, more evidence may emerge.

Embrace the creative process! Approach perplexing situations with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Be a student of your craft, always willing to learn another technique.

Apply tons of self-compassion if you feel like you’ve messed up. Mistakes can be blessings in disguise (call them “studies”), so turn them into teachable moments. Just don’t rush to hand someone your trust. The combination of pushy Mars and gullible Neptune makes us all way too susceptible to a slick sales pitch or a snake-oil sale.

Mars stokes the home fires in Cancer from Wednesday, September 4 until November 3

Home is where the heat is when excitable (and stressful!) Mars zooms into domestic Cancer for the next two months. Reduce the rising tension under your roof by decluttering, redecorating and making sure everyone has enough space to do their thing.

The red planet’s motivational influence may inspire a home-based business or a fall fitness challenge with roommates and relatives. (Who took the most steps a day or made the best-tasting smoothie? Winner!)

Cabin fever can fan the flames of conflict, so make sure to get out of the house whenever possible. Channel your frustration into a healthy outlet, like sports or workouts.

Try not to overbook during Saturday’s Mercury-Uranus square

Paging Distraction Central! Buzzy Mercury in Leo already has you overbooked, juggling plans and fielding a million conversations at once. Today, as disruptive Uranus butts into the mix, that will multiply by tenfold.

People may be contrarian just for their own kicks, so don’t engage with devil’s advocates if they turn out to be trolls. But do open up to unexpected ideas. If you’ve been rigidly sticking to one plan or POV, let yourself see this from a whole different angle.

Welcome another approach, as long as it doesn’t take you too far off course. Set a “hard stop” time for any brainstorming sessions to ensure you get your regular work done, too.

Save those weekend errands for Sunday’s no-nonsense Sun-Saturn opposition

Reality check or total buzzkill? As the excitable Sun and cautious Saturn get into their once-a-year standoff, it may feel like someone’s poured a bucket of cold water on your dreams. Don’t let it dampen your spirits. Extract the wisdom from any critical feedback or roadblock you encounter.

This transit reminds us that less really can be more. Maybe you could stand to scale back, finish something you’ve started or put a more concrete schedule and budget behind your goals. Slow down—but don’t stop!

The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle, Vogue, and Good Morning America. They have been dubbed “astrologers to the stars” after reading for notable celebrities, including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts and Stevie Wonder. The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology, and have a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides.

Read More About The AstroTwins

More from the author:

Astrology Fundamentals

Check out What Do The Stars Have In Store For You?

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More from the author:

Astrology Fundamentals

Check out What Do The Stars Have In Store For You?

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The AstroTwins
The AstroTwins

Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle, Vogue, and Good Morning America. They have been dubbed “astrologers to the stars” after reading for notable celebrities, including Beyoncé, Emma Roberts and Stevie Wonder. The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. They have authored four print books: AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology, and have a growing collection of ebooks, including their popular annual horoscope guides.

Read More About The AstroTwins

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