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The Year's Third Mercury Retrograde Begins This Week—Here's Your Horoscope

The AstroTwins
August 03, 2024
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
weekly horoscope
Image by Yurii Shevchenko / Stocksy
August 03, 2024
It would be a quiet week in the stars if it weren't for Mercury's retrograde backspin—and its uncomfortable run-in with Venus. Here's your horoscope.

Filters on! Mercury turns retrograde this Monday, August 5

Back up all your important data, clear the air with feuding friends and do your best to get all your paperwork filed. As the week opens up, Mercury will turn retrograde for the third time in 2024.

This backspin lasts until August 28, beginning in eagle-eyed Virgo, then slipping back through passionate Leo for the remainder of the loop.

Conversations could devolve into endless ethical debates or even shouting matches. What's important to remember for this three-week phase is that you can agree to disagree—before relationships are rammed into the ground.

While the finicky planet is retrograde in Virgo for nearly ten days, review everything in the finest setting possible. Enlist a third and fourth pair of eyes to edit documents before you hit "send." Need to do more research? You're in luck! This is one of the best times of the year to tumble down the search-engine rabbit hole.

When Mercury backs into Leo on August 14, a budding romance could stall, and there may be unnecessary drama involving egos or an ex.

Awkward! Love planet Venus bumps into retrograde Mercury on Wednesday

Overthinking alert! Venus bumps into mental Mercury—who is currently retrograde in Virgo—escalating, “Do they love me or love me not?” drama.

It’s one thing to be intuitive and read the tea leaves. But if gauging someone’s interest level feels like a guessing game, consider that you might be projecting qualities onto them that may not be there.

One way to test the connection? Spend more time together, but without any pressure to move the relationship in a particular direction. Extend an invitation today and see what gives.

If you’ve been guarded, open up more so the other party can determine if you’re a good match. The more authentic information you provide, the better.

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