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It's A Jam-Packed Week In The Cosmos—And This Is What You'll Need To Know First

The AstroTwins
April 27, 2024
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
weekly horoscope
Image by unsplash
April 27, 2024
There's a whole lot going on in the stars this week, as Mars and Neptune make their biennial meetup, Taurus season ramps up, and Pluto begins its five-month retrograde period. Here's your horoscope.

Monday’s energy is dreamy, sexy and cool all at once

Sweet sensuality! Affectionate Venus takes her annual homecoming parade through tactile Taurus, this Monday, April 29, whetting our appetites for earthly delights.

While this cycle lasts through May 23, indulge in a little luxury (it doesn’t have to be expensive). Savor all the visuals, from the gorgeous spring blossoms to a bespoke accessory that makes your warm-weather wardrobe pop.

Pamper yourself and spoil the ones you love. “Too much of a good thing” feels like just the right dose now. And for what it's worth—relationships can turn more serious under the stabilizing spell of Taurus.

Monday also brings a conjunction of aggressive Mars and passive Neptune

This planetary merger only happens every two years. Vivid dreams, meet high-speed reality!

As these planets meet up at the same degree of Pisces for one day, it's hard to tell an oasis from a mirage. That's good reason to hold off on making any binding decisions, especially if fear or FOMO kicks in.

Wait a few days until the fog of Neptune burns off, no matter how impatient Mars is making you feel! If this transit leaves you disoriented, there’s also an opportunity: Get in touch with the "peaceful warrior" inside yourself.

Mars is a planet of action, while Neptune rules compassion. Practice your best negotiating skills by standing up for your beliefs without making others wrong—a daunting but worthwhile task!

Feisty Mars bolts into its home sign of Aries from Tuesday, April 30 until June 9

Spring fever in overdrive! Energizer Mars blazes into its home sign of Aries, heating up everyone’s competitive spirit until June 9. As this double dose of warrior energy overtakes the world, the fierce red planet pushes us to advocate for ourselves.

This assertiveness booster shot is great up until a point. But if egos and tempers start raging, channel that percolating energy into a physical outlet. When it comes to your personal projects, Mars in Aries gets you excited to take initiative.

Don’t overthink it—just make that first bold step!

Love planet Venus clashes with furtive Pluto on Wednesday, May 1

Tension could infiltrate your love life today, as seductress Venus locks horns with manipulative Pluto, inciting power struggles. While you may have the urge to push back, domineering behavior will only heap fuel on the fire and deepen the rift.

Get to the root of what’s really driving this friction. Hint: It could be a core wound from childhood (isn’t it always?).

You may find yourself obsessing over a person who’s wronged you. Fixation can progress into impulsive behavior, like firing off an angry text or checking their social media feed.

If you’re in a secure relationship, you may get the urge to spice things up with a little extra drama; make sure you know what you’re awakening before you stir that pot.

Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius (then Capricorn) from Thursday, May 2 until October 11

Group dynamics can turn into covert power plays starting Thursday, as Pluto slows its calculating roll and backs into its annual five-month retrograde, first through edgy Aquarius (until September 1), then hierarchy-loving Capricorn (until October 11).

If you can’t gain traction with your team or goals, take a break instead of trying to force an outcome. Use this introspective phase for soul-searching, but keep your wits about you.

A person with a shady scheme or hidden agenda could slip past your radar if you relax your rules of engagement too much.

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